From the Newsroom
News & Stories
Homeless Youth Awareness Month: Spotlighting Austin and King County

At least 4.2 million youths experience homelessness in the U.S. in a year. Due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise in housing costs, addressing the homelessness crisis has become a top priority for many cities and counties. Currently, 15 FUSE executive fellows are on the ground...

Case Study: Travis County’s Approach to Youth Crime Prevention

The Travis County Transformation Project represents a significant shift in justice for young people, focusing on restorative practices rather than punitive measures. Initiated by Travis County District Attorney José Garza, this project is a collaborative effort involving local government and...

​​California and Washington are Empowering Innovations in Climate Action

Four Fall 2023 FUSE Executive Fellows in San Joaquin County, Los Angeles County, the City of Hayward, and King County are set to focus on alternative transportation, updating infrastructure, and reducing energy burden for a sustainable future for their communities.

Amid housing crunch, KS lawmakers want to expand rural incentive program to big cities

By Jonathan Shorman. Originally published in The Kansas City Star.

Los Angeles County Works to Transform Criminal Justice Through Collaboration

Opening lines of communication to reform criminal justice.

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