August 31, 2023

As Salt Lake City sets its sights on a cleaner, more sustainable future, it is crucial to recognize that this transformation must be inclusive, ensuring historically excluded communities are at the forefront of the city’s green workforce development strategy. Climate change and air pollution have disproportionately affected Black, Indigenous, and communities of color. They must be involved in shaping solutions that reduce pollution and provide economic development and job opportunities. Together with FUSE, the City seeks an Executive Fellow who will be vital in this effort by guiding workforce planning and analysis to help increase equitable green job opportunities for residents.

Inclusion as the Cornerstone of Progress: Salt Lake City’s aggressive goals to transition to clean energy and combat climate change show its commitment to becoming a leading city in sustainability. However, to achieve true progress, the strategy must be built on the principles of equity and inclusion. Historically excluded communities have long suffered the consequences of environmental degradation, often with limited access to resources and opportunities. It is only fair that they are actively represented in the decision-making process to create a more balanced and sustainable future.

Ensuring Equitable Green Job Opportunities: Salt Lake City is taking important steps towards empowerment to ensure historically excluded communities benefit from the city’s green initiatives. By involving community members who have experienced the brunt of environmental challenges through initiatives such as compensated Resident Advisory committees, the City demonstrates its commitment to meaningful engagement. The City’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grant provides an opportunity to enhance community involvement further, allowing these communities to play a pivotal role in shaping and implementing climate strategies that directly impact their neighborhoods.

The Ideal Executive Fellow: A Champion of Inclusion and Collaboration: The success of Salt Lake City’s green workforce development project hinges on the qualities and skills of the ideal Executive Fellow. Strong interpersonal skills are paramount, as effective communication and genuine connections with people from diverse backgrounds foster trust and collaboration. Ideally, the candidate would be familiar with or connected to Salt Lake City’s BIPOC communities, providing critical insight into assets within their communities and their unique challenges and aspirations.

Analytical, writing, and presentation skills are essential for the Executive Fellow to effectively communicate complex data and findings. Autonomy is crucial, allowing the candidate to work independently towards the project’s desired outcomes. Simultaneously, proactive engagement with community leaders and local professionals ensures alignment with statewide workforce development initiatives.

The Promise of Salt Lake City’s Sustainability Department: With experienced leadership from Debbie Lyons, the Director of Sustainability, and Sophia Nicholas, the Deputy Director, Salt Lake City is committed to ensuring a sustainable future for all its residents. Their backgrounds in environmental management, sustainability, and community engagement demonstrate the department’s dedication to fostering a healthier, more equitable, and sustainable future for all residents.

You can apply here for the Executive Fellowship opportunity with Salt Lake City.