Transforming LA County into an Actively Anti-Racist Institution
Lizzeth Rosales
2021-2022 | Los Angeles County - Chief Executive Office
LIZZETH ROSALES is a social justice advocate working to advance social equity and dismantle the structural barriers that disempower low-income communities of color in Los Angeles. She has more than 18 years of experience in public policy research, strategic partnerships, community engagement, program design, and change management from working in various sectors, including education, urban planning, economic development, and environmental justice. She earned an MBA with a specialization in social impact from the UCLA Anderson School of Management and a B.A. in government from Harvard University.
Los Angeles County recognizes that the acute impact of the Covid-19 disaster on communities of color is a feature of the same forces of systemic racism that have marginalized these residents for decades. The county is dedicated not just to pursuing equitable recovery from Covid-19, but to systemic transformation. FUSE will work with the Chief Executive Office to establish an Anti-Racism, Diversity, and Equity Initiative, turning the county’s commitment into action and creating a model for other communities to follow.