Small Business Supports to Build Wealth in Atlanta’s Black and Brown Communities
Nia Harper
2021-2022 | City of Atlanta - Office of the Mayor
NIA HARPER’s passion for social and economic justice has directed her career choices. With 15 years of economic, workforce, and strategic business development experience, Nia has worked in leadership roles that call on her knowledge in human resources, entrepreneurship, and strategic partnerships in both the private and public sectors, including for the federal government, law firms, university systems, and large nonprofit organizations, and all aimed at improving small business success in underserved communities. Understanding the positive impact that the creation of viable employer options can have on empowering a community, she is also an entrepreneur whose consulting services focus on solutions for family financial self-sufficiency and the successful scaling of minority- and women-owned small businesses for job creation. Nia has an MBA from Northcentral University.
Atlanta seeks to create a network of support programs for small businesses owned by Black and Brown entrepreneurs, enabling them to thrive and narrowing racial wealth inequality in the city. These businesses and communities have been particularly hard-hit by the effects of the Covid pandemic. FUSE will design and implement targeted support initiatives for minority-owned small businesses and help advance the city’s overall economic recovery plans.