Data & Technology

Holding Local Leaders Accountable for Addressing Racial Equity
Oakland leadership seeks to ensure that all departments have the tools and resources needed to track and report on equity-centered targets aligned to key health, climate, and economic indicators. To meet these goals, the city council and mayor want to develop a performance management system, which can also help local... Read more
Effective Reportable Disease Surveillance for COVID-19 Recovery
The core mission of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (DPH) is to protect the health and well-being of Angelenos. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this charge has become even more critical. DPH recognized that a strong underlying reportable disease surveillance system was key to ensuring timely and accurate... Read more
Building an Information System to Protect Renters from Displacement
Gentrification in Oakland has significantly impacted renters, who comprise 59 percent of households and pay some of the highest rents in the nation. Compounding the issue, a lack of robust data makes it difficult for policymakers to respond to unjust evictions and illegal rent increases. To address this problem, the... Read more
Advancing Criminal Justice Reform by Transforming Probation Technology
The Los Angeles County Department of Probation (LAC Probation) relies heavily on its Information System Bureau (ISB) to update systems, eliminate inefficiencies, and create standards and governance processes, all of which have led to significant systemic changes that have improved rehabilitation outcomes for juveniles and adults. With the onset of... Read more
Designing a Strategy for Community Wi-Fi in San Jose
In San Jose, approximately 40,000 households and 95,000 people lack access to a reliable internet connection. This digital divide presents significant hurdles for underserved communities, preventing them from using the internet for crucial activities like furthering their education, developing career skills, applying for jobs, and accessing healthcare options. San Jose... Read more
Implementing the Strategic Plan for a Smart, Connected City
The Los Angeles City Bureau of Street Lighting (BSL) has taken on several smart city initiatives, such as adding new technologies—Wi-Fi, EV charging stations, sensor technologies, safety cameras, and solar panels—to street lights to enhance services for residents, improve safety and sustainability, and potentially raise revenue. To support this work,... Read more
Leveraging Technology for Efficient Government Service Delivery
Oakland’s Information Technology Department (ITD) offers advice and support to all city departments so they can better serve residents. FUSE executive fellow Jana Good developed a strategic technology plan for ITD that advances the priorities of the city, while leveraging common technology platforms to ensure holistic, integrated, and extensible solutions.... Read more
Expanding Transfer and Command Center Operations
Los Angeles County’s municipal health system is the nation’s second-largest, annually caring for 600,000 patients at 19 health centers and four hospitals. In the past, the County’s Department of Health Services (DHS) struggled to bring insured patients back from out-of-network hospitals, with 15,000 to 20,000 patients being treated in other... Read more
Designing Excellent Customer Service in Local Government
Leaders in Washington DC want to make local government more responsive to the needs of residents. To support this goal, the district enlisted FUSE executive fellow Hua Wang to help bolster accessibility, ease of use, and digital capabilities associated with the provision of public services.   To determine how to prioritize... Read more
Transforming Transportation Technology for Communities
The technologies behind such developments as smart infrastructure, ride-sharing, and driverless vehicles are changing how people get around. To prepare for these changes and ensure that all residents benefit, especially those in traditionally underserved communities, the Minneapolis Department of Public Works enlisted help from FUSE Executive Fellow Danielle Elkins. Through... Read more