News & Stories
From FUSE Executive Fellow to Racial Equity Catalyst

As a FUSE Executive Fellow, Kristin Vogel (2022–23) worked with the Milwaukee County Office of Equity to increase coordination of the County’s ecosystem of equity initiatives and build enterprise-wide and regional capacity to strengthen its internal and regional racial equity infrastructure. She launched a Racial Equity Toolkit to support teams...

Transforming Government Through a Racial Equity Lens

Hyma Menath served as a FUSE Executive Fellow from 2019 to 2021, partnering with the San José Office of the City Manager to devise a racial equity framework for city operations. She bolstered organizational transformation, leveraged data strategically, and designed a racial equity-based survey process to aid economic recovery, including...

FUSE Best Practices for Advancing Racial Equity: Three Ways Marketing Strategy Can Help Deliver Equitable Services

The Los Angeles County Department of Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services used private-sector micro-marketing segmentation practices to more effectively use data to target communities in need.

FUSE Best Practices for Advancing Racial Equity: Community Engagement and Data

Data alone won’t reveal the context and causes of racial disparities in transportation, policing and many other municipal services.

How Data Can Create Racial Equity

To address systemic racism, U.S. city leaders need to stop looking at their data in aggregate and start asking questions.

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