The Virtuous Cycle of Revitalization and Small Business Growth
There are 415 counties across the nation that qualify as persistently-poor, and in these areas, the average poverty rate is 26%, compared to 11% in the Midwest, 8% in...
There are 415 counties across the nation that qualify as persistently-poor, and in these areas, the average poverty rate is 26%, compared to 11% in the Midwest, 8% in...
These Fall 2023 Executive Fellows are supporting Dekalb County, Guilford County, the City of Jackson, the City of Jacksonville, the City of New Orleans, and the City of Durham by increasing their climate resilience, advancing economic and workforce development, strengthening...
Local, state, and federal governments are all prioritizing addressing the climate crisis, setting ambitious targets to mitigate and even reverse the effects brought on by climate change. In designing these strategies and goals, an increasing number of local governments are...
There are 415 counties across the nation that qualify as persistently-poor, and in these areas, the average poverty rate is 26%, compared to 11% in the Midwest, 8% in...
Situated in the heart of the San Francisco Bay Area, Hayward faces significant risks from rising sea levels and increased wildfire danger. Rather than viewing these as insurmountable challenges, the City is turning them into opportunities for community transformation through...
As one of FUSE's most longstanding partners, the City of Los Angeles welcomes two FUSE Executive Fellows to work on advancing employee engagement and developing a climate resilience plan!