Nathaniel Bencivenga
During his fellowship, Nathaniel Bencivenga (2020-2022) worked with the Los Angeles County Department of Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services to develop a pilot plan that connects older adults and caregivers in East Los Angeles, one of the city’s most historically underserved populations, to countywide services using culturally appropriate communication that would better meet residents’ needs and preferences.
“When you are given an opportunity, use it to support others so it multiplies and doesn’t just stop with you. As someone who identifies as a proud queer Filipino immigrant, I want to make long-lasting impact to represent everyone who has felt ‘othered’ in any way shape or form.” – Nathaniel BencivengaAfter his fellowship completion in April 2022, Nathaniel has joined the FUSE team on a permanent basis as our director of fellowships. Nathaniel leads the programs department and works closely with executive fellows to support them during their fellowship terms and beyond as alumni. “I’ve always been passionate about how I can truly make an impact in our most vulnerable communities,” Nathaniel says in his official announcement, “I’m proud to say that I will be doing exactly that across different cities, different regions, and different states!”
Gayathri Thaikkendiyil
Gayathri Thaikkendiyil (2016-2017) worked with the San Francisco Ethics Commission to redesign and modernize the commission’s website and e-filing project. Her contributions helped the agency focus on broader organizational goals and priorities with an emphasis on improving user engagement, user experience, and operational efficiencies.
Swati Chandra
Swati Chandra (2018-2021) was first introduced to the public sector through her FUSE fellowship. Swati collaborated with the County of Los Angeles, Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services to implement a user-centric approach to measuring the effectiveness of service delivery to older and dependent adults.
After the end of her 2.5-year fellowship term, Swati joined FUSE as an Alum-in-Residence, where she supported active executive fellows and host agencies to ensure projects were on track to meet predefined goals and create the intended impact. Swati recently left FUSE to focus her efforts on food equity as she continues her work with the County as the executive director of the Los Angeles Food Equity Roundtable.“I am committed to public service to drive equity and social justice. I leverage my learnings in private sector to enable public sector programs to adopt a focused customer centric approach to ensure equity and social impact.” – Swati Chandra
Priya Dey-Sarkar
During her fellowship, Priya Dey-Sarkar (2017-2018) helped the Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans implement enhanced process safety controls, create an enterprise risk management framework for the agency, improve construction safety, and increase operational reliability. As a FUSE alum, Priya currently serves on the Board as an advisor.