Replacing Fossil Fuels In Buildings With Electric Alternatives

Kemberle Taylor
2022-2023 | Los Angeles - Department of Water and Power
KEMBERLE TAYLOR has driven full lifecycle delivery of real estate development and asset management as an urban planner specializing in housing and community development. Her experience spans all aspects of real estate planning & development, site acquisition/due diligence, property/portfolio management, leasing, and feasibility/market analysis. Kemberle founded a housing development and management company aimed at providing affordable housing options for lower income families and developing economically underserved communities in Chicago. Most recently she has been identifying financially secure housing investment strategies as a consultant. Kemberle has a BA in Communications from USC, and MUPP in Urban Planning and Policy from UIC.
After launching its Green New Deal in 2019, Los Angeles set out to achieve 100% clean energy by 2035. Part of decarbonization is shifting to building electrification, but diverse community support and buy-in are critical to its success. The FUSE Executive Fellow will support leadership to coordinate community outreach, determine best practices, and develop a program strategy and framework for an equity-forward approach to building electrification in LA.