Recruiting a High Quality and Diverse Police Force to Restore Community Trust
Recruiting and retaining police officers who are representative of all communities is a major challenge for law enforcement agencies. St. Louis is no exception but has been working diligently to increase the diversity of its police officers to better reflect the demographics of the communities it serves. FUSE Executive Fellow... Read more

Creating a More Equitable Process for Determining Bail
The incarceration rate in St. Louis is almost three times the state-wide rate in Missouri. In response to this disparity, the city set a goal of reducing the jail population by 40 percent over five years. The Department of Public Safety enlisted FUSE executive fellow Wilford Pinkney Jr. to work... Read more

Developing a Criminal Justice Coordinating Council to Advance Social Justice
To ensure the fair administration of criminal justice, St. Louis and the 22nd Judicial Circuit are working to improve communication, collaboration, and planning. To this end, FUSE Executive Fellow Debbie Allen helped operationalize and institutionalize a Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC), for which she then served as interim executive director.... Read more