Washington, District of Columbia
Convening Cities to Design Violent Crime Reduction Strategies

Washington DC’s Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement (ONSE) helps reduce violence and improve public safety by fostering community-based programs. In support of its mission, ONSE has been working to develop a Safer, Stronger Cities pilot program. This city network will use nonviolent interventions and strong government-community relations to help high-risk populations and thwart violent crime.
FUSE executive fellow Gerard Tate helped create a means for evaluating the proposed program and determining best practices to share with other cities. He helped identify cities interested in such partnerships and developed ideas for fundraising to help partner cities establish their programs. Gerard also helped evaluate processes and outcomes for ONSE’s Pathways Program, which aims to improve outcomes for those who are reintegrating into the community after involvement with the criminal justice system. His work is helping the district support underserved communities and justice-involved individuals while reducing violent crime.