Nearly 90% of students in the Fresno Unified School District live below the federal poverty line. FUSE Fellow Wendy McCulley worked to align the District and higher education stakeholders specifically around career technical education to increase secondary and post-secondary opportunities for students. Wendy’s work continuously explored ways in which student voice could be more fully integrated in planning processes to produce more highly engaging student-centered options. Her work also highlighted the value of collaboration among many different stakeholders, which led to several projects being accelerated and the district embracing a more action-oriented culture of decision-making and incorporating student voice.

WENDY MCCULLEY (2016-17) has two decades of experience in executive marketing and management of organizations in the medical, consumer products, technology, e-commerce and financial services industries. She has taught marketing at the graduate level and has worked for global companies including Life Alert, Experian, TransUnion and Mattel. Wendy holds an MS in Education from the University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education, an MBA from Wharton and a BA from Harvard College.

2016-2017 | City of Fresno - Fresno Unified School District