The Washoe County, NV, community is addressing the negative impacts of climate change and the inequitable effects on vulnerable populations through its “Green Recovery Plan.” This plan aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air pollution while addressing the public health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for historically disinvested communities. Their strategies include conducting a community-wide greenhouse gas inventory, setting reduction targets, gaining SolSmart designation for solar expansion, and launching a Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) program.

Washoe County will partner with FUSE to engage Emily Stapleton who will conduct a community-wide inventory of greenhouse gas emissions, conduct a listening tour to understand community needs, research successful strategies, and develop an emission reduction plan. She will also assist in implementing key activities like SolSmart designation and C-PACE programming. Stapleton’s work will contribute to reaching climate action goals, enhancing community resilience, promoting economic recovery, and improving equity outcomes. She will conduct a landscape analysis, establish reduction goals, engage with stakeholders, and develop a county-wide emission reduction strategy. By September 2024, Emily aims to complete the analysis, develop a comprehensive plan, and implement Green Recovery Plan initiatives.