Launching an Opportunity Zone in Fresno
Fresno, located in California’s Central Valley, has made progress in its efforts to end systemic inequities and expand economic opportunities. But city leaders know they must continue to address the persistent economic challenges — exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic — faced by residents in marginalized communities. To this end, FUSE... Read more

Attracting and Retaining Finance Talent to Improve City Operations
With nearly a third of workers close to retirement, the Los Angeles Office of Finance was seeking new strategies for recruitment and retention of staff, not only to bring in qualified employees but also to build a pipeline within the department of leaders who feel a sense of stewardship over... Read more

Establishing Countywide Outreach Strategies to Alleviate Poverty
The federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) can be an effective tool to help fight poverty, yet approximately 20 percent of eligible Los Angeles County households are not claiming this credit. To close the participation gap, the L.A. County Department of Business and Consumer Affairs is looking to work with... Read more

Launching an Opportunity Zone for Riverside County
Riverside County, California, has the state’s third highest number of Opportunity Zones. These economically distressed communities, which were designated by the federal government, can potentially benefit from tax incentives that encourage investment and economic development. To create high-quality jobs in key economic sectors, such as manufacturing, tourism, and technology, the... Read more

Launching an Opportunity Zone for San Bernardino County
As part of California’s Inland Empire, a metropolitan region of more than 27,000 square miles and 4 million people, San Bernardino County is located in one of the fastest-growing regions in the state. To create high-quality jobs in key economic sectors, such as manufacturing, tourism, and technology, the Economic Development... Read more

Forging Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration for Community Economic Development
Wichita is working to bring economic opportunity to low-income and underdeveloped neighborhoods. Also located within a number of these neighborhoods are Opportunity Zones, designated disadvantaged areas that can potentially benefit from a federal tax incentive aimed at promoting economic development. To spark and sustain economic development in these areas, the... Read more

Designing Excellent Customer Service in Local Government
Leaders in Washington DC want to make local government more responsive to the needs of residents. To support this goal, the district enlisted FUSE executive fellow Hua Wang to help bolster accessibility, ease of use, and digital capabilities associated with the provision of public services. To determine how to prioritize... Read more

Building Inclusive Economic Development
As part of a plan to reduce racial disparities and promote economic opportunity for all communities, Oakland is working to revive the 7-mile International Boulevard corridor, which crosses through the city’s lowest-income neighborhoods and improves the economic conditions in far East Oakland. In light of the impact of COVID-19, Oakland... Read more

Forging Partnerships to Improve Economic Security
The Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA) is working to lift low-income residents by addressing poverty, homelessness, workforce, and small business development. To bolster this work and create new initiatives, LACDA established a Strategic Partnership Division. FUSE Executive Fellow Kishani De Silva helped establish the division, developing strategic partnerships and... Read more

Using Strategic Marketing to Bolster Social Services
The Los Angeles County Department of Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services (WDACS) has been working to extend the outreach and impact of its services, which include connecting individuals and employers, ensuring the well-being of older and dependent adults, improving human relations, and reducing hate crime. To advance these goals,... Read more