

Securing the 2024 Summer Olympics Games
Los Angeles was named by the U.S. Olympic Committee as the official U.S. Bid City to host the 2024 Olympics. The bid, which creates the potential for the city to develop its infrastructure, increase its revenue, and elevate itself on the international stage, requires an enormous financial and logistical commitment.... Read more
Catalyzing Public-Private Financing for Economic Development
Entrepreneurs in Fresno are pioneering innovations in water conservation, greenhouse gas reduction, renewable energy production and food processing. Despite these important innovations, businesses in Fresno struggle to attract the kinds of capital investments that are more prevalent in Silicon Valley. As a result, there are several projects with high potential... Read more
Improving Overnight Worker Transportation
San Francisco’s 24-hour economy requires thousands of workers in the entertainment, healthcare, manufacturing and other industries to commute during late-night and early-morning hours. The overnight public transit system does not currently align with these needs, however, leaving many workers without access to safe, affordable and reliable transportation options. The Office... Read more
Enhancing Women’s Economic Empowerment
Although women are a vital force within the economy, they are compensated at a significantly lower level than their male counterparts and are continually underrepresented across professions and leadership positions. In response, the cities of San Francisco and Oakland will co-host a regional Women’s Empowerment & Opportunity Summit. Autumn was... Read more
Leveraging Open Data for Law Enforcement Reform
As part of its growing focus on criminal justice reform, the California Department of Justice is launching an ambitious effort to transform itself into a data-driven organization. A major first step in this plan is the creation of OpenJustice, a transparency initiative that will help build trust and increase accountability... Read more
Increasing Citywide Emergency Preparedness
The San Francisco Department of Emergency Management leads the city’s planning around response and recovery from a wide array of potential disasters. Because emergency management is a constantly evolving practice with new standards and new strategies for preparation, response, recovery and resiliency, plans must be updated regularly to stay relevant.... Read more
Accelerating Economic Development in Immigrant Communities
Immigrant entrepreneurs and small business owners have the potential to create jobs and revitalize neighborhoods throughout Los Angeles. However, limited English language skills and educational experience, citizenship status, and other obstacles can make navigating the process of opening or expanding a business especially challenging. The Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs... Read more
Developing a Coordinated Approach to Homelessness
Los Angeles faces a significant challenge in addressing its homelessness crisis. While multiple city departments and agencies are currently engaged with homeless individuals and families, their approaches are not well coordinated. This causes inconsistency of response, high expenditures, and service redundancy. The City Administrative Officer hired Geoff to work with... Read more
Improving Public Works’ Operations for Better Accountability and Service
The City of Los Angeles’ Department of Public Works (DPW) oversees the delivery of critical infrastructure, services and systems that are vital for the quality of life and public safety of city residents. FUSE worked with the City Administrative Officer to assess the current state of Public Works, evaluate options... Read more
Revitalizing Economic Development Through Marketing and Communications
The City of Vallejo, located just 30 miles northeast of San Francisco, is one of the most diverse cities in the country. After emerging from bankruptcy, the city is working to redefine its role in the region. FUSE Fellow Slater Matzke developed a marketing and communications strategy focused on promoting... Read more