Creating an Integrated Approach to Addressing Homelessness
On any given day, approximately 2,300 people experience homelessness in the City of Long Beach. The City’s Department of Health and Human Services leads the Long Beach Continuum of Care (CoC), which administers housing and support services. FUSE Fellow Sharon Meron worked with the city and the CoC to design... Read more
Financing Seawall Fortifications to Protect San Francisco
The Port of San Francisco has the responsibility of maintaining more than seven miles of waterfront along the City of San Francisco, including the three-mile seawall that protects this vital area. With significant vulnerabilities, including seismic weaknesses, the seawall requires a comprehensive redevelopment plan. FUSE Executive Fellow Keven Brough worked... Read more
Climate Action Through Electric Vehicle Readiness
To help San Francisco develop a plan for widespread electric vehicle adoption, FUSE Fellow Lars Peters developed a series of recommendations based on best practices from cities around the world and input from city and community stakeholders. Lars based his recommendations on analysis of available data, oriented them towards specific... Read more
Reimagining Funding for Affordable Housing
Los Angeles, like many major U.S. cities, is facing a housing affordability crisis. While the city has a severe shortage of affordable housing, prices have grown four times faster than incomes since 2000. FUSE executive fellow Frederick White worked with the Office of the City Administrative Officer and other departments... Read more
Promoting Employee Wellness Strategies to Improve Health and Performance
Los Angeles employs nearly 50,000 people, making it one of the largest employers in the region. To achieve its goal of creating a healthier, happier workforce, the city’s Personnel Department launched a Wellness Program, beginning with the 24,000 members of its Flex Benefits Program. FUSE Executive Fellow Joan Centanno led... Read more
Optimizing Mobility and Safety with Autonomous Vehicle Technology
Mobilizing for the day when autonomous vehicle (AV) technology will redefine the world of automobiles and mobility at large, Los Angeles hired FUSE Executive Fellow Michael Lim to develop a comprehensive business plan that addresses the increasingly important need for investment in autonomous vehicles and the infrastructure to support them.... Read more
Advancing Transportation Through Capital Planning
The L.A. Department of Transportation manages one of the largest and most complex transportation systems in the country. FUSE Executive Fellow Ray Cheung helped develop the department’s first five-year capital plan, identifying short-term and long-term project priorities and guiding the department’s policies for selecting, designing, financing, and implementing projects. Ray... Read more
Enhancing Workforce Opportunities for LAX Neighborhoods
LAX, the world’s busiest airport, is currently engaged in an $8.5 billion capital improvement plan. This seven-year project will generate about 40,000 jobs and provide substantial economic opportunities for construction-related companies and other businesses. FUSE executive fellow Hana Rhee helped develop a strategic plan to engage the community in this... Read more