Launching an Opportunity Zone for Riverside County
Riverside County, California, has the state’s third highest number of Opportunity Zones. These economically distressed communities, which were designated by the federal government, can potentially benefit from tax incentives that encourage investment and economic development. To create high-quality jobs in key economic sectors, such as manufacturing, tourism, and technology, the... Read more

Launching an Opportunity Zone for San Bernardino County
As part of California’s Inland Empire, a metropolitan region of more than 27,000 square miles and 4 million people, San Bernardino County is located in one of the fastest-growing regions in the state. To create high-quality jobs in key economic sectors, such as manufacturing, tourism, and technology, the Economic Development... Read more

Implementing a Framework to Achieve Citywide Racial Equity
Nearly 40 percent of the 1 million residents in San Jose were born outside the U.S. While immigrants have high workforce participation rates, many also struggle to access opportunities in education, jobs, and public services. San Jose has prioritized integrating its immigrant populations, as city leadership recognizes the need for... Read more

Planning for the Service Needs of a Growing Aging Population
Los Angeles County is home to a vibrant and diverse group of more than two million residents aged 60 and older. By 2030, that number will approach three million, or 28 percent of the county population. To serve older residents, both the county and city of Los Angeles operate Area... Read more

Convening Cities to Design Violent Crime Reduction Strategies
Washington DC’s Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement (ONSE) helps reduce violence and improve public safety by fostering community-based programs. In support of its mission, ONSE has been working to develop a Safer, Stronger Cities pilot program. This city network will use nonviolent interventions and strong government-community relations to help... Read more

Building a Transportation System for the Future
Population growth, environmental concerns, and technological innovation are transforming how people get around in the city of St. Paul. To get ahead of these advances and ensure that the benefits of modern transportation are shared by all residents, the city’s Public Works department hired FUSE executive fellow Julie Sell. Julie... Read more

Establishing Community-Based Clean Energy Programs
San Jose has been working to become one of the most sustainable cities in the country. As part of that effort, the city established San Jose Clean Energy (SJCE), which offers renewable energy options at competitive prices to residents and businesses. SJCE is also working to develop clean energy programs... Read more

Ensuring College Affordability for Oakland Students
Out of every 100 students who start ninth grade in Oakland, only 15 will complete a post-secondary education degree within five years of graduation. The Mayor’s Office believes that to ensure more Oaklanders have a path to postsecondary education, barriers such as cost and cumbersome application processes must be addressed.... Read more

Building Inclusive Economic Development
As part of a plan to reduce racial disparities and promote economic opportunity for all communities, Oakland is working to revive the 7-mile International Boulevard corridor, which crosses through the city’s lowest-income neighborhoods and improves the economic conditions in far East Oakland. In light of the impact of COVID-19, Oakland... Read more

Engaging the Community to Reduce Youth Recidivism
The Los Angeles County Department of Probation is working to reduce recidivism by using evidence-based practices and community-based services to help justice-involved youths succeed. To assist with these efforts, FUSE Executive Fellow Kim Bowman Jr. brought community voice and leadership into governmental processes while strengthening the strategic visioning and management... Read more