Plan & Implement

Enhancing Park Services Through Grants
Availability and access to urban parks promotes the health and well-being of communities, while also supporting ecosystems, stormwater capture, and urban forestry. To expand park and recreational space in historically underserved neighborhoods, the Los Angeles County Regional Parks and Open Space District (RPOSD) wanted to create a Technical Assistance Program... Read more
Building Infrastructure and Capacity for L.A.’s Next Wave of Tourism
In response to the more than 50 million visitors who arrive in Los Angeles each year, the city’s Department of Convention & Tourism Development (CTD) is working on a master plan for tourism. The first long-term strategic plan around tourism ever undertaken by the city, it addresses infrastructure, capacity, and... Read more
Launching a Housing Finance Agency to Fund Expanded Housing in Los Angeles
To help reduce homelessness and increase affordable housing, the Los Angeles Department of Housing and Community Investment is working to establish a Housing Finance Agency (HFA) to develop its own financial resources. To that end, FUSE Executive Fellow David Spirakis created a business plan and organizational structure for the HFA,... Read more
Developing a Roadmap of Programs to Expand Affordable Housing
Housing affordability has become increasingly urgent across California. According to recent data, nearly half of all homeowners in Long Beach spend more than 30 percent of their total monthly income on rent or mortgage payments. To ease the pressure on residents, Long Beach engaged FUSE executive fellow Rick Ryba to... Read more
Spurring Community-Oriented Redevelopment in Indianapolis’s Far Eastside
The Far Eastside of Indianapolis is facing stigma, disinvestment, and economic stagnation. To help address this situation, the Mayor’s Office, the Central Indiana Community Foundation, and the Finish Line Foundation engaged FUSE Executive Fellow Lisa Marie Gala to help identify strategies and best practices for revitalization.  After an extensive landscape... Read more
Easing Traffic Conditions for Improved Mobility and Health
In East Palo Alto, the effects of cut-through traffic, congestion, and parking have had serious consequences on the health, safety, and quality of life for residents. In search of solutions, the city hired consultants to conduct a mobility study that provides short-, mid-, and long-term recommendations addressing these issues. To... Read more
Accelerating Entrepreneurship in Underserved Neighborhoods
Engagement with the private sector is a core element of Cleveland’s plan to revitalize distressed neighborhoods and kickstart the local economy. To support this work, the Mayor’s Office engaged FUSE executive fellow Aja Hardy, who worked to implement strategies that help local entrepreneurs acquire the knowledge and capital needed to... Read more
Building a Movement for Children
FUSE Executive Fellow Noelle Galperin helped Children Now in Oakland build a diverse coalition of organizations to focus California executives and legislators on the needs of children. She contributed to the development of the movement’s strategy plan and established alliances and engaged elected officials to scale the movement’s work. In... Read more
San Francisco as the Innovation Capital of the World
FUSE Executive Fellow Rebecca Foster acted as a senior advisor in the San Francisco Mayor's Office of Civic Innovation, focusing on public private partnerships and the intersection of investment and critical social priorities. She explored innovative financing mechanisms including a public-private Housing Accelerator Fund and evaluated pay for success as... Read more
San Francisco as the Innovation Capital of the World
Rahul built San Francisco’s entrepreneurship-in-residence (EIR) program in collaboration with the White House to help address critical national issues such as healthcare, transportation, public safety, education, energy and infrastructure – with the overall goal to lower costs, increase revenue, enhance productivity and help save lives. Mayor Ed Lee was named... Read more