Improving Re-entry Programs to Expand Employment Opportunities
In Los Angeles County, a statewide ballot measure that downgraded certain property and drug crimes from felonies to misdemeanors enabled thousands of people to be released from jail. To help successfully integrate this population back into the workforce, the Department of Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services enlisted FUSE Executive... Read more

Improving Health Through Clean Streets and Food Rescue
Los Angeles offers supportive services to people experiencing homelessness, and at the same time it works to keep public spaces safe and clean. To this end, FUSE executive fellow Ann Zald helped the Bureau of Sanitation and Environment improve its processes for homeless encampment cleanup and waste collection. She also... Read more

Designing Coordinated Systems of Services to Benefit Seniors
Long Beach has a large, diverse, and vibrant senior population, which is expected to grow significantly over the next decade. The city’s Community Health Bureau partnered with FUSE Executive Fellow Karen Doolittle to help Long Beach improve quality of life for senior residents by linking them to a more coordinated... Read more

Reducing Traffic Fatalities to Zero by 2024
Ben Matranga worked on Mayor Ed Lee’s Vision Zero initiative to reduce traffic fatalities in San Francisco to zero by 2024. Ben worked to direct, coordinate, and communicate critical, multi-faceted initiatives and ensure successful implementation. The Vision Zero initiative brought together numerous city departments to focus on five critical areas... Read more

Utilizing Technology to Increase High School Graduation Rates
Tim worked with the San Francisco Public Library (SFPL) to implement new technologies and programs aimed at closing gaps in the digital divide. During his tenure, the library was able to launch The Mix at SFPL, a digital media lab and makerspace for Bay Area Teens, and a Career Online... Read more

Reforming Citywide Purchasing Processes
San Francisco is one of the largest purchasers of goods and services throughout the Bay Area and conducts transactions with the private, public and social sectors totaling over $1 billion annually. As part of a major upgrade of its financial systems, the City hired Rob to help overhaul its purchasing and... Read more

Improving Overnight Worker Transportation
San Francisco’s 24-hour economy requires thousands of workers in the entertainment, healthcare, manufacturing and other industries to commute during late-night and early-morning hours. The overnight public transit system does not currently align with these needs, however, leaving many workers without access to safe, affordable and reliable transportation options. The Office... Read more

Increasing Citywide Emergency Preparedness
The San Francisco Department of Emergency Management leads the city’s planning around response and recovery from a wide array of potential disasters. Because emergency management is a constantly evolving practice with new standards and new strategies for preparation, response, recovery and resiliency, plans must be updated regularly to stay relevant.... Read more

Developing a Coordinated Approach to Homelessness
Los Angeles faces a significant challenge in addressing its homelessness crisis. While multiple city departments and agencies are currently engaged with homeless individuals and families, their approaches are not well coordinated. This causes inconsistency of response, high expenditures, and service redundancy. The City Administrative Officer hired Geoff to work with... Read more

Creating a Safer Community Through Comprehensive Violence Prevention
In May 2014, the Long Beach City Council adopted Safe Long Beach, a comprehensive violence prevention plan combining elements of My Brother’s Keeper and other youth development programs. FUSE Fellow Veronica Njodinizeh helped the Office of the City Manager to develop an action plan to accomplish the initiative’s goals in... Read more