Connecting Residents to Comprehensive Services
The Los Angeles County Department of Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services (WDACS) provides residents with a range of programs. While many operate efficiently, internal and external communication, coordination, and alignment between programs can be improved to ensure seamless services for residents. To support this work, WDACS enlisted FUSE Executive... Read more

Establishing Countywide Outreach Strategies to Alleviate Poverty
The federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) can be an effective tool to help fight poverty, yet approximately 20 percent of eligible Los Angeles County households are not claiming this credit. To close the participation gap, the L.A. County Department of Business and Consumer Affairs is looking to work with... Read more

Strengthening Code Enforcement for Safer Housing
Oakland seeks to prioritize housing that is both safe and affordable. Yet the city continues to see a proliferation of living situations that are not compliant with municipal building codes and safety standards. In response, the City has enacted several policies to increase staffing and improve technology for building inspections... Read more

Forging Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration for Community Economic Development
Wichita is working to bring economic opportunity to low-income and underdeveloped neighborhoods. Also located within a number of these neighborhoods are Opportunity Zones, designated disadvantaged areas that can potentially benefit from a federal tax incentive aimed at promoting economic development. To spark and sustain economic development in these areas, the... Read more

Improving Wraparound Services for Swift Re-entry
The Los Angeles County Probation Department seeks to strengthen support for people who have been incarcerated so that they can successfully re-enter their communities. To help advance this goal, FUSE Executive Fellow Jessica Aronoff worked with the Post Release Services Bureau to develop a plan that maximizes the impact of... Read more

Reforming Behavioral Healthcare Services for Justice-Involved Residents
In Washington DC, one in eight adults is justice-involved, and many need access to behavioral health services. To reduce recidivism, the Department of Behavioral Health (DBH) is working to provide a stronger continuum of services for justice-involved individuals, from pre-arrest through post-incarceration. To this end, DBH developed a Forensic Services... Read more

Creating a More Equitable Process for Determining Bail
The incarceration rate in St. Louis is almost three times the state-wide rate in Missouri. In response to this disparity, the city set a goal of reducing the jail population by 40 percent over five years. The Department of Public Safety enlisted FUSE executive fellow Wilford Pinkney Jr. to work... Read more

Developing a Criminal Justice Coordinating Council to Advance Social Justice
To ensure the fair administration of criminal justice, St. Louis and the 22nd Judicial Circuit are working to improve communication, collaboration, and planning. To this end, FUSE Executive Fellow Debbie Allen helped operationalize and institutionalize a Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC), for which she then served as interim executive director.... Read more

Advancing a Holistic System of Care for the Homeless
San Francisco is piloting an innovative model of healthcare for adults experiencing homelessness. The city and county’s Whole Person Care program assesses patient needs based on a variety of factors that can affect a person’s wellbeing, including housing status, mental health, substance abuse, and involvement with the criminal justice system.... Read more

Leveraging Vacant Properties to Revitalize Neighborhoods
More than 40,000 lots and properties sit vacant in Philadelphia, impacting economic mobility, public safety, and quality of life for many residents, especially those in low-income neighborhoods. To address this problem, the Department of Planning and Development enlisted FUSE executive fellow Amanda Soskin to develop a strategy to manage, activate,... Read more