September 23, 2022
Kristin Vogel — Milwaukee, WI

FUSE Project: Implementing a Framework to Advance Racial Equity in Milwaukee County

Summer 2022 Executive Fellow Kristin Vogel

I am inspired by Milwaukee County’s strategic plan commitment and action toward addressing racial inequities to enable the County to become the healthiest in Wisconsin. Through the FUSE fellowship, I aim to be additive to the good work underway, applying my years of experience in information science, leadership, innovation, and continuous improvement skills & strengths in service to this pressing and vital work.

Kary Anne Weybrew — Los Angeles County, CA

FUSE Project: Expanding Access to Equitable Healthcare Career Education and Opportunities

Summer 2022 FUSE Executive Fellow Kary Anne Weybrew

Nurses are seen as the most trusted profession above law enforcement, military, teachers, judges, & clergy. I feel as a nurse, I must do my part to assure access to quality and equitable health education and services to optimize health and well being for all, which means we need to foster a healthcare workforce that is able to address those needs. My belief is with FUSE I will improve access to quality health education, improve diversity in our nursing workforce, and inspire more nursing leaders to also strive to achieve health equity and enhance population health.

Roxanne Ferand Mayfield — Los Angeles County, CA

FUSE Project: Creating a Cohesive Service Delivery Model for the Justice Impacted Population

Summer 2022 FUSE Executive Fellow Roxanne Ferand Mayfield

The fellowship is a way to get involved in a social issue that I am very passionate about in the hope of helping to move the social injustice “ball” forward.

Ashley “AC” Cannon — Baltimore, MD

FUSE Project: Improving the Cleanliness, Health and Employment Outcomes for Underserved Neighborhoods

Summer 2022 FUSE Executive Fellow Ashley "AC" Cannon

The moment I read the FUSE fellowship description for Baltimore City’s Clean Corps initiative, it instantly resonated with me. FUSE’s mission to remove the social and economic barriers to opportunities, that have continued through historical systemic and institutionalized racism aligned with me morally and professionally. Part of me immediately thought “this opportunity is too good to be true.” As a long time Baltimore City resident it is my honor to serve the community that has contributed so much to who I am both personally and professionally. I hope to bring to fruition a strong workforce development program via Clean Corps; that will serve as a model in providing underserved communities with equitable employment opportunities within the City of Baltimore.

Lysa Liggins — Los Angeles County, CA

FUSE Project: Streamlining Workflows to Support the Release of Over-incarcerated Individuals

Summer 2022 FUSE Executive Fellow Lysa Liggins

I am presently working on my dissertation and my research is on reentry, recidivism, and social support. This FUSE project is one that parallels my research. It is almost as if someone has lifted the words of my research and created a JOB for me. I am grateful!