Dismantling Barriers to Homeownership Through Innovative Programs and Policies
For many Americans, the dream of owning a home – often considered the best way to build wealth in this country – is increasingly out of reach and unaffordable. In Kansas City, for many residents, this is the reality. While over 50% of Kansas City residents own their homes, there... Read more

Identifying Innovative Funding Mechanisms to Address Unsheltered Homelessness in Austin
In spring 2021, city leaders facilitated the first Summit to Address Unsheltered Homelessness in Austin – the purpose of the summit was to develop an implementation strategy to effectively and significantly reduce unsheltered homelessness in the city. In the next three years local leaders are determined to rehouse 3000 people... Read more

Implementing Strategies to Mitigate Disaster and Build Long-Term Urban Resilience
In 2020, Nashville weathered the worst disasters in the city’s 238-year history. This included being hit by a category EF3 tornado in early March – the largest natural disaster in the city since the area’s 2010 flood. Then the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which briefly debilitated the city’s tourism... Read more

Creating Equitable Pathways to Quality Jobs in Furtherance of L.A.’s Green New Deal
The City of Los Angeles knows that taking immediate action to sustain clean air, water and healthy living conditions is a moral imperative. Building on its initial Sustainable City Plan (2015), the City’s Paris-compatible Green New Deal (2019) laid out ambitious targets to directly address issues ranging from inequitable access... Read more

Building Community Resilience by Implementing a Climate Health Equity Program
King County Public Health – Seattle & King County (PHSKC) and its Environmental Health Services Division (EHS) are dedicated to building innovative and intersectional climate solutions that support community resilience and limit the climate burden on frontline communities. The department’s Blueprint for Addressing Climate Change and Health (Blueprint) offers a... Read more

Building an Equity-Driven and Culturally Responsive Government Through Authentic Community Engagement
Brooklyn Center, Minnesota moved to the national spotlight as city leaders responded to the fatal shooting of Daunte Wright, a 20-year-old Black man who was fatally shot during a traffic stop at the height of the Derek Chauvin trial, sparking successive days of protests earlier this year. City leaders have... Read more

Diversifying Birmingham’s Housing Stock to Accelerate Neighborhood Revitalization
The affordable housing crisis faced by many in America has come to a head with the Covid-19 pandemic. Eviction and foreclosure rates continue to rise as moratoriums expire, and an estimated 30 to 40 million people in the US are at risk of losing their housing in the next several... Read more

Advancing Equity Through Inclusive and Affordable Housing
The growing demand for housing in Washington D.C. has made it difficult for low- and moderate-income households to afford to live in the district. Specifically, more than 70,600 renter households in 2019 were burdened by housing costs, meaning they spent more than 30 percent of their income on housing. To... Read more

Advancing Citywide Systems to Operationalize Racial Equity Initiatives
Durham city officials are committed to advancing racial equity in partnership with residents. To start the process, city officials created a Racial Equity Task Force, which, in June of 2020, submitted An Urgent and Loving Call to Action, a report highlighting recommendations for improving racial inequities related to wealth, the... Read more

Ensuring an Equitable and Effective Long-Term COVID-19 Response in Harris County
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Harris County has managed over 381,000 cases and nearly 6,000 deaths. Under the direction of the County Judge’s Office, Harris County Public Health (HCPH) and other partners have worked tirelessly to slow the spread of infection and combat health inequities through free and accurate testing, case... Read more