Implementing the “Better Neighborhoods, Same Neighbors” Initiative
Oakland is working to reduce racial disparities and promote economic security and opportunity for residents, especially those living in underserved neighborhoods in East Oakland. After partnering and engaging with communities in East Oakland, city officials created the Better Neighborhoods, Same Neighbors plan, which was awarded a $28.2 million multi-year Transformative... Read more

Ensuring an Equitable, Effective, and Safe Distribution of the COVID-19 Vaccine
To help protect the health and well-being of Los Angeles County residents during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (DPH) implemented the largest vaccine distribution effort in its history. As the largest U.S. county, L.A. County’s vaccine equity efforts have been pivotal to the achievement... Read more

Launching a Nonprofit to Build Affordable Housing for Special Populations
Cities and counties throughout the Bay Area face a dire affordable housing crisis. In Alameda County alone, homelessness grew by 40% from 2015 to 2017, with 41% of those experiencing homelessness reporting that a serious mental illness (SMI) impacted their ability to obtain housing. The County has been experiencing a... Read more

Developing Environmentally Sustainable Approaches to Maintaining Roads
The Los Angeles Bureau of Street Services (StreetsLA) maintains 23,000 miles of car, bike, and pedestrian lanes per year. After power generation, paving streets is one of the leading producers of greenhouse gas in a municipality’s operations. StreetsLA is committed to finding new ways to pave roads, bike paths and... Read more

Creating a Strategic Plan to Broaden Economic Prosperity
Kansas City has enjoyed a renewal in recent years, with billions of dollars transforming its downtown. But not all neighborhoods in the metropolitan area have benefited equally. The mayor and city leaders want to refocus economic development to be more inclusive and align these strategies with other key objectives, such... Read more

Strengthening Affordable Housing Programs for Vulnerable Residents
Stockton, like many cities across the nation, is facing sharply declining levels of affordable housing and a growing number of people experiencing homelessness. The COVID-19 pandemic further exacerbated this crisis. The City is working to alleviate housing insecurity among its residents, including increasing and preserving affordable housing, creating protections for... Read more

Assessing Rent Stabilization to Safeguard Affordable Housing
In a 2017-2018 annual report, only 6 percent of San Jose residents described the availability of affordable housing as “excellent” or “good.” To that end, the San Jose City Council created a Rent Stabilization Program. To ensure the program’s success, Housing Department officials seek to evaluate the program and its... Read more

Launching an Opportunity Zone in Fresno
Fresno, located in California’s Central Valley, has made progress in its efforts to end systemic inequities and expand economic opportunities. But city leaders know they must continue to address the persistent economic challenges — exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic — faced by residents in marginalized communities. To this end, FUSE... Read more

Supporting L.A. County’s Immigrants
Immigrants comprise 35% of Los Angeles County’s population and make up 44% of its workforce, yet they continue to face economic advancement and justice equity challenges. In response, the Office of Immigrant Affairs (OIA), a division within the L.A. County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs, developed the 2018 Immigrant... Read more

Engaging the Community in Support of Bail Reform Efforts in Los Angeles County
The Los Angeles County Probation Department seeks to reform its bail system so that individuals awaiting trial are held out of jail and connected to their communities. To that end, the department’s Pretrial Services Bureau had to revamp its operational protocols to provide varying levels of assessment and post-release services,... Read more