Plan & Implement

Disaster Recovery Centers For Resilient Communities In Oakland
Like many cities across America, the City of Oakland, CA is experiencing climate change in the form of historic droughts, record-breaking heat, and devastating wildfires that have taken lives, displaced community members, and stressed infrastructure. Oakland’s frontline communities have done the least to create the climate crisis, yet they are... Read more
Replacing Fossil Fuels In Buildings With Electric Alternatives
Serving 4 million businesses and residents in Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) is the largest municipal water and power utility in America. A 2017 partnership with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory yielded the comprehensive LA100 study. The study analyzed potential community pathways to achieving... Read more
Disaster Recovery Centers For Resilient Communities In Austin
In the past decade, the City of Austin, TX has experienced climate change in the form of record-breaking heat, droughts, historic floods, severe winter storms, and devastating wildfires that have taken lives, displaced community members, and stressed infrastructure. In 2021, Austin’s City Council passed a Resolution to begin building a... Read more
Building Resilience Across City Operations
In 2020, the City of Nashville and Davidson County (Metro) endured multiple disasters, including an EF3 tornado in early March, a derecho in May, and the Christmas Day bombing. All of this occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic, which had immediate negative effects on the Metro’s economy and public health. For... Read more
Solar panel on a roof and wind turbines around
Energy, Equity, & Climate Agenda
In 2021, U.S. cities experienced twenty natural disasters that caused more than $1 billion in damage each. Man-made disasters (e.g., terrorism, power outages, cyber-attacks) also inflict severe damage. The City of Atlanta is working to mitigate climate change and build residents’ resilience through a variety of pathways, with an emphasis... Read more
Addressing Residential Displacement Through Tenant Engagement
Between 2010 and 2016, over 500,000 Bay Area residents were at high risk for displacement. These displacements are disproportionately occurring in Latino, Asian, and Black neighborhoods that also experience more overcrowding and poverty than citywide averages. While displacement is a complex market-created phenomenon, San José is taking a leading role... Read more
Climate Resilient Healthcare Systems
King County is dedicated to building innovative and intersectional climate solutions that support community resilience and limit the climate burden on frontline communities. The County’s 2020 Strategic Climate Action Plan (SCAP), is a five-year plan for the County’s climate actions, integrating climate change into all areas of County operations. Under... Read more
Dismantling Barriers to Homeownership Through Innovative Programs and Policies
For many Americans, the dream of owning a home – often considered the best way to build wealth in this country – is increasingly out of reach and unaffordable. In Kansas City, for many residents, this is the reality. While over 50% of Kansas City residents own their homes, there... Read more
Identifying Innovative Funding Mechanisms to Address Unsheltered Homelessness in Austin
In spring 2021, city leaders facilitated the first Summit to Address Unsheltered Homelessness in Austin – the purpose of the summit was to develop an implementation strategy to effectively and significantly reduce unsheltered homelessness in the city. In the next three years local leaders are determined to rehouse 3000 people... Read more
Implementing Strategies to Mitigate Disaster and Build Long-Term Urban Resilience
In 2020, Nashville weathered the worst disasters in the city’s 238-year history. This included being hit by a category EF3 tornado in early March – the largest natural disaster in the city since the area’s 2010 flood. Then the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which briefly debilitated the city’s tourism... Read more