Service Improvement

Systematically Deploying Federal Funds to Combat Racial Inequities
The City of Kansas City, Missouri (KC) has experienced immense growth over the last decade. However, the Covid-19 pandemic now threatens this advancement, leaving KC’s low-income and Black residents particularly vulnerable to both the economic and health fallouts of the crisis. With this in mind, City leaders have, and are,... Read more
Implementing Critical Initiatives to Mitigate Displacement of Atlanta’s Black and Low-Income Communities
Home to more than 6 million people, the Atlanta region is the ninth largest metro region in the nation and it is still rapidly growing. In part because of this unprecedented population boom, Atlanta currently ranks fifth among U.S. cities experiencing gentrification, with more than 46% of its census tracts... Read more
Reducing LA County’s Jail Population by Scaling Rapid Diversion Programs
Los Angeles County operates the largest jail system and de-facto mental health facility in the United States, holding more than 17,000 people daily, nearly 30% of whom have a serious mental health disorder. Residents of color are disproportionately incarcerated, with Black residents accounting for only 9% of the total population... Read more
Scaling Diversion Programs to Reduce Incarceration and Improve Resident Health
Every year in the U.S., two million people with mental illness are booked into jails, leading to a cycle of incarceration for these individuals. One in three persons in the Orleans Justice Center Jail are treated for addiction or mental illness, and these individuals remain in the jail more than... Read more
Expanding Pathways into High-Quality Jobs by Aligning Workforce Investments
In the Bay Area, COVID-19 has dealt a harsher economic blow to the region than initially estimated. Nearly 5,000 jobs were lost in January 2021 alone. In the City of Oakland, the unemployment rate has spiked to 9.6%, after having been at its lowest rate in decades before the pandemic... Read more
Preventing Transit Developments from Displacing Residents
Since the late 1990s, Austin has seen a dramatic rise in housing costs, with affluent young professionals moving into central neighborhoods and pushing established residents to the outskirts or out of the city altogether. This displacement is most dramatic in the same neighborhoods where Black and Latinx residents were previously... Read more
Building a Systematic Response to the Public Health Crisis of Homelessness
In Austin, city officials are working to address persistent homelessness, experienced by nearly 7,000 people in the city and Travis County each year. Moreover, Black Austinites are disproportionately experiencing homelessness; while making up 8 percent of the general population, they account for 34 percent of the unhoused population. Prioritizing homelessness,... Read more
Connecting Pittsburgh’s Youth to High-Paying Careers
Pittsburgh is home to many strong industries and education institutions, but the pathway to high-paying jobs for local students is not always clear. To offer guidance, the city already provides several career and technical education opportunities that prepare residents for promising careers. At Westinghouse Academy, for example, the Pittsburgh Public... Read more
Increasing Equitable Access to Affordable Utilities for All Angelenos
The L.A. Department of Water and Power (LADWP) provides reliable and safe water and electricity to 4 million residents and businesses, while also striving to provide affordable utilities to the city’s most vulnerable residents. LADWP leadership recognizes that the health and economic crises spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic have impacted... Read more
Connecting Residents to Comprehensive Services
The Los Angeles County Department of Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services (WDACS) provides residents with a range of programs. While many operate efficiently, internal and external communication, coordination, and alignment between programs can be improved to ensure seamless services for residents. To support this work, WDACS enlisted FUSE Executive... Read more